What is Cyber Essentials and why does my Law firm need to have it?

2020-07-16T09:21:13+01:00July 26th, 2018|Compliance, Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, GDPR, Law, Security and Threats|

If you are reading this article there is a good chance you already know what Cyber Essentials is.  For those that do not, Cyber Essentials is a UK Government backed standard for business cyber security which helps you guard against the most common Cyber Security threats. In fact experts believe that by adopting Cyber Essentials [...]

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Cyber security issues facing legal firms

2020-07-16T09:23:10+01:00September 14th, 2017|Law, Uncategorized|

After a slow start with many legal firms taking a back seat when it comes to digital transformation, the industry as a whole has now become more connected and mobile. While law firms still have significant concerns about compliance and damage to reputation - if a firm was to suffer a data breach - the [...]

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